Recommended Reading

Best to stay in and read during the pandemic. Here are a few recommendations for fans of American History.

The Pioneers
by David McCullough (2019)

The first settlers of Ohio faced an incredible mission. They had traveled to carve out townships and trading posts from virgin wilderness. Cutting down trees, clearing land, and then building on that land took a lot, and that was after the long and difficult journey to get there. From page 73- “Conspicuous loafing, loafing of almost any kind was as yet unknown. Everyone worked, including children. It had to be so for survival. Come spring there were crops to be sown. Through summer and into fall, there were corps to be harvested, and always more land needed to be cleared. Winter was a struggle in itself.” This book details all the work and little play of the early Ohio country. And the notorious Aaron Burr makes an appearance in a scheme that directly involves Virginia.

Hymns of the Republic
by S.C. Gwynn (2019)

This book carries us through the last year of the War Between the States. The author spends most of the time in Virginia, where Generals Grant and Lee were on an eventual collision path which ultimately ended at Appomattox with the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia. The author does a great job describing the logistical differences between the North and South armies. He paints a fair picture of the major players and gives careful historical backing to his conclusions. This is one of the best books on the War Between the States that I’ve read.

Valley Forge
by Bob Drury & Tom Calvin (2018)

Winter camp at Valley Forge was a brutal endurance that could have destroyed the Continental Army. Our soldiers limped into camp where some died due to harsh winter conditions. This book describes the difficulties of the winter camp. General George Washington is, of course, a important figure. The late arrival of The Baron Friedrich von Steuben, who helped turn our amateur army into a professional force, was a major factor in our army’s eventual victory.


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