Del. Webert For Re-Election

Delegate Michael Webert represents the 18th House District. He is a solid conservative Republican.

In 2018 Webert enjoyed a significant legislative achievement when HB 883, known as Regulatory Reform, became law.

From the Legislative Information System’s summary on HB 883

Directs the Department of Planning and Budget (the Department), under the supervision of the Secretary of Finance (the Secretary), to administer a three-year regulatory reduction pilot program aimed at reducing by 25 percent the regulations and regulatory requirements, as defined in the bill, of the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation and the Department of Criminal Justice Services by July 1, 2021.

Here is Webert speaking on this from the House floor-



This law is a great step forward. Burdensome regulations need to be lifted so that businesses, especially small businesses, can thrive. This new law from 2018 has already had an immediate impact as CNBC named Virginia their 2019 number one state for business.

Delegate Michael Webert is going a great job. He is a solid conservative with some serious legislative wins for limited government and regulatory reform, and his office runs excellent constituent services. He deserves to be re-elect this November.


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