Happy Chick-fil-A Month

How can we make June Chick-fil-A month?

The self-proclaimed “tolerant” left attacked Twitter’s CEO for eating at Chick-fil-A during June. Because eating at Chick-fil-A in June, or ever, is deemed intolerant by the crazies.

It’s just a chicken sandwich from a place that celebrated traditional marriage. They didn’t oppress anyone or turn away customers. All Chick-fil-A did, once, was celebrate traditional marriage. So now the CEO of Twitter had to make a public apology for eating there during June. The gay community has lost their damn minds.

Here’s a link to the story from Business Insider.

So how can we make June Chick-fil-A month? After all, June is already Aquarium Month, National Adpot A Cat Month, and National Candy Month. There has to be room for Chick-fil-A Month too.

Disclaimer- there will be no apologies for eating at Chick-fil-A during June or any other month. 

Fuller Disclaimer- the sandwiches are a little bland, but the waffle fries are dope. 


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