ERA Built On A Lie

The Equal Rights Amendment ratification bill passed Virginia’s State Senate today on a vote of 26 to 14. Seven Republicans joined every Democrat in voting for what is needless window dressing. Women have equal rights. This is the United States of America.

Never accept a false premise. Saying that women are second-class citizens who do not enjoy the same rights as men is inaccurate. The ERA should have been shot down just on that.

If you need specific citation then read the 14th Amendment. There you will find the Equal Protection and Due Process clauses, which guarantee equal rights.

A socialist on Twitter tried to disqualify the 14th Amendment on one of my tweets by saying that when the 14th Amendment was passed women couldn’t vote, so the 14th is insufficient. Such a ridiculous argument would mean that the 14th Amendment is only applicable to laws passed prior to the 14th’s ratification and not since. That’s not how the Constitution works.

Another argument I’ve heard from the left is that Justice Antonin Scalia has said women don’t have equal rights under the Constitution. He was talking about legislative deference and such an idea was never expressed in a Supreme Court opinion or dissent from the late Justice and no court or legislature has agreed. It’s just another false claim by the left through misrepresenting something from a speech that never made it into Scalia’s jurisprudence.

I was once asked “what’s wrong with re-affirming” equal rights for women? Nothing. Such an affirmation can be expressed through a resolution. A constitutional amendment is not needed to affirm any right that the Constitution already has, either expressed or implied.

Can any supporters of the ERA list rights that men have that women don’t? And I don’t mean a list of discrimination that wouldn’t hold up in court. I’m asking for a list of rights of that legislatures and courts agree are exclusive to men that women don’t have. That question always receives the chirping of crickets.

Do supporters of the ERA understand what they are saying about this great country? Women are not second-class citizens, otherwise our system of government has left them behind. It’s 2019, not 1819.

Democrats love bills that can divide Americans if anyone opposes them. In this case, Democrats try to say that if you oppose the ERA then you oppose women and you’ll lose the female vote. NO ONE is saying women are unequal and this blog fully supports the 14th Amendment’s protections, but Democrats are not honest enough to allow a conservative to say such a thing as they never miss the opportunity to cry about the sky falling to gain votes.

So with the ERA will women finally be allowed to drive a car? I could’ve sworn I saw a woman driving just the other the day.

Maybe I’ve hung around too many strong, independent women in my life, but I don’t know any woman who is a second-class citizen and I’ve never seen a woman take discrimination or abuse as being just because her gender unfortunately makes it so.

Women have equal rights. The ERA is a lie designed to pander for votes. Never accept a false premise.


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