Blue Wave Won’t Hit The Shore

Democrats are calling for a “blue wave” that will sweep them into the majority in Congress, the Senate, and anywhere else they run. The message that they are running on is an odd combination of higher taxes, more regulation, open borders, and less individual freedom.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi mocked the tax cut legislation that put money back into the pockets of Americans. She called the money “crumbs.” Ok, she’s rich. She was probably wearing thousands in clothes and jewelry when she said that. Middle America appreciates the tax cut and businesses have responded by investing into the economy and hiring more workers.

Democrats continue to lambast EPA Director Scott Pruitt for his regulation cutting policies. The Big Brother message is their drumbeat. Government policies that cripple business development hurt the economy. But Democrats love their Big Brother mentality.

For a while Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer had this Twitter account profile and cover photo dedicated to the kids of illegal immigrants.

Democrats call them “dreamers.” Their dream is to live in a country that guarantees individual freedom and hope to never have to live in an authoritarian country that their parents fled. Ironically, the Democrats don’t see the difference between America and the “shithole” countries that so many hope to flee from. Borders matter. Immigration has always had restrictions. And most importantly, immigration used to involve a minimal degree of assimilation. But the mere suggestion of assimilation, to its smallest degree, is dismissed as racist and white supremacy, which is garbage. Democrats want open borders and advocate for those who come to this country don’t have to become Americans. How is that good for our country?

Right now a bunch of kids are taking to the streets to demand less freedom. The kids are emotional about school shootings so they have decided that less freedom for everyone is the only solution. They base this all on emotion. Democrats have embraced this line of thinking. They advocate repealing the 2nd Amendment. They want a higher age restriction for gun owners. Can you imagine serving our country in the military but then having to give up your gun rights if you haven’t reached age 21 yet?

A blue wave on policy is unlikely. A blue wave running purely on hatred of President Trump is something else. But isn’t love supposed to trump hate; and by that I mean love is supposed to conquer their own hatred of Trump? Democrats resist anything that moves, which is not a policy. It has become so bad that Senator Cory Booker asked Mike Pompeo to offer his thoughts on sodomy during the confirmation hearing for secretary of state. Sodomy? Really? What does that have to do with anything? Booker is looking to run for president so remember the sodomy question when his campaign gets started.

This coming election look passed the name calling and white hot rhetoric. Focus on policy ideas. When you do that you’ll see higher taxes, more regulation, open borders, and less individual freedom is a terrible message.


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