Bigly Government Spending

President Donald Trump signed the omnibus spending bill today. It’s awful. From beginning to end it’s a really bad spending package.

For starters, congressmen were given just one day to read the 2,000+ pages. How the hell can they cast an educated vote on what is in the bill without time to read it and digest it?

The federal money to Planned Parenthood is the worse part. Why an organization that spends millions running TV ads against one political party needs to have federal money is beyond us.

Oh, and there is a cute little gun control measure in there too.

Keep in mind that Republicans allegedly control the House, the Senate, and the White House too. So why the hell does the Republican controlled federal government need to produce a 2,000+ page spending bill? Didn’t those winning Republicans campaign on smaller, limited government?

Trump said today he would never sign another bill like this one again. Why not start by not signing this one? We’re waiting for his biggest fans to tell us this is 4th dimensional chess that we can’t understand.

The only Virginia congressmen to vote against this government funded nightmare were Rep. Tom Garrett, Rep. Dave Brat, and Rep. Morgan Griffith. Thank you to those members. No thank you to Rep. Scott Taylor and Rep. Barbara Comstock who voted with Rep. Gerry Connolly and every other Democrat from Virginia. Both Taylor and Comstock are in tough primary contests and it will be interesting to see how they defend their vote on the campaign trail moving forward to the June primary.

Here is a link to the House vote total.


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